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Showing posts from March, 2013

Is There Really Scientific Evidence

Science is completely dependent on evidence but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence..... I was reading an article by the celebrated Cambridge physicist, Stephen Hawking, titled “There is no heaven; it is a fairy tale”. It is an interesting read, although it lacks any semblance of logic does not present any scientific basis for his claims. However, when someone of his stature makes a statement, it becomes gospel truth for the gullible readers. He has written books, most of which, according to a great scientist, John OM Bockris, makes for an interesting read, but is far removed from science. Present medical science avers that patients with motor neuron disease should not live beyond a couple of years of its diagnosis. In the case of Stephen Hawking, this scientific rule has been proven completely wrong! We are glad for that. May he live long! If “science is measurement and measurement is science,” as defined by Mary Curie, heaven cannot be a scien...